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In an Azure course, participants delve into mastering cloud computing principles and essential programming languages crucial for development. Practical applications such as data analytics and cloud infrastructure management are explored, alongside discussions on security and compliance considerations. Graduates acquire a robust knowledge base, well-prepared for making significant contributions in utilizing Azure services and solutions.

Fast-Track Your Career with Azure: A 6-Month Immersive Program


Elevate your career with our intensive 6-month Azure course. Gain mastery in sought-after skills driving innovation across industries and open doors to exciting opportunities.

Why Choose This Course?

  • Rapid Skill Acquisition: Attain essential Azure expertise efficiently within a focused and accelerated timeframe.
  • Hands-On Learning: Cultivate practical skills through immersive projects and applications centered around Azure services and solutions.
  • Expert Guidance: Benefit from mentorship by seasoned Azure professionals with extensive cloud computing experience.
  • Career Advancement Support: Receive comprehensive tools and guidance to secure your desired role in Azure cloud computing.

Course Curriculum

  • Cloud Computing Fundamentals 
    • Understanding the significance of cloud computing
    • Exploring deployment models: Public, Private, Hybrid Cloud
    • Virtualization in Cloud Computing: Leveraging Hypervisor technology
    • Differentiating between IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS
    • Exploring scaling and cost models in Cloud Computing
  • Microsoft Azure Overview
    • Introduction to the Microsoft Azure platform
    • Setting up an Azure account and exploring services
    • Utilizing support center and additional resources
  • Managing Azure Subscriptions 
    • Creating and managing Azure subscriptions effectively
    • Implementing cost management and tagging strategies
    • Enforcing Azure policies for governance
  • Azure Resource Management 
    • Efficient management and analysis of Azure resources
    • Monitoring, diagnostics, and cost optimization techniques
  • Azure Virtual Machines
    • Understanding Azure Virtual Machine architecture
    • Creating, configuring, and monitoring Virtual Machines
    • Introduction to Virtual Machine scale sets (VMSS)
  • Managing Azure Virtual Machines 
    • Configuring additional data disks and network interfaces
    • Resizing and redeploying Virtual Machines for optimization
  • Azure Virtual Machine Backups
    • Overview of Virtual Machine backup strategies
    • Configuring backup jobs and restoration processes
  • Azure Virtual Networks
    • Basics of networking in Azure
    • Creation, configuration, and connectivity of virtual networks
    • Implementing public IP addressing and network routing
    • Securing networks with virtual network peering and connectivity
  • Load Balancing in Azure 
    • Setting up Azure Load Balancer for high availability
    • Configuring Front End IP Configuration for load balancing
  • Azure Network Security Groups 
  • Understanding Network Security Groups (NSG)
  • Implementing NSG rules for enhanced network security
  • Azure DNS Services 
    • Introduction to Azure DNS services
    • Assigning custom domains for seamless operations
    • Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) 
    • Exploring Azure AD features and management
    • Implementing security measures like Conditional Access and Access Reviews
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) 
    • Configuring Azure AD Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
    • Implementing MFA settings and Conditional Access policies
  • Azure Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) 
    • Understanding Azure RBAC and custom role creation
  • Storage Accounts in Azure 
    • Creating and configuring Azure Storage Accounts
    • Implementing access management with Virtual Networks and Firewalls
    • Utilizing Access Keys, Shared Access Signatures (SAS), Storage Explorer, and
    • Log Analytics
    • Implementing Redundant Storage options

Who Should Apply

  • Professionals aspiring for a career transition
  • Recent graduates with a technical background
  • Individuals passionate about data and AI-driven solutions
  • Working professionals aiming to upskill in Azure cloud computing


Upon completion of this course, you will be equipped to:

  • Conduct proficient data analysis and visualization tasks
  • Develop and assess various machine learning models
  • Comprehend deep learning principles and their applications
  • Design and deploy impactful AI-powered solutions

What Sets Us Apart

  • Industry-Relevant Curriculum: Designed in collaboration with leading tech companies to meet industry demands.
  • Experienced Instructors: Learn from practitioners actively engaged in AI and data science.
  • Flexible Learning Options: Choose from in-person, online, or blended formats to suit your schedule.

Enroll Now

Invest in your future! Limited seats available. To learn more and apply, visit [website link].

Enhancements to Consider

  • Testimonials: Share success stories from former students.
  • Pricing and Scholarships: Offer transparent details on costs and eligibility for financial aid.
  • Showcase Projects: Highlight student projects on your website to underscore the course`s value.

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This intensive program provides the core principles of Azure cloud computing. In just 6 months, you`ll develop the skills needed to become an Azure practitioner, capable of deploying solutions for diverse business needs.

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